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NORTY Grizzly Bear Stuffed Animal Claw Paw Slippers Toddlers, Kids & Adults

UNISEX ANIMAL SLIPPERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: With sizes to fit every member of your clan from toddler and little kids on up to mom and dad. Comfortable polyurethane foam padding provides a warm fit that's fun for everyday wear.
PADDED GRIP SOLES FOR EXTRA TRACTION: The ideal house shoes for slick hardwood and tile floors. Rubberized dots keep you from slips and falls. Soft padded soles means early risers don't have to wake the whole house up.
PLUSH FAUX FUR & CLAWS FOR FUN REALISM: Claw foot slippers add an element of fun to your morning or evening that plain, boring slipper can't match. Cozy animal slippers are much better than wearing your socks around the house.
PUT THE FINISHING TOUCH ON COSTUMES: Take your Halloween, costume parties and cosplay to another level by adding the realistic detail of stuffed animal footwear. Choose your favorite look, from a black claw foot, a fuzzy pink tiger or a green camo dino.
EVERYDAY FUN FOR THE KID IN YOU: Choose to walk like your favorite animal. Stuffed animal styles available to suit the wildest tastes: Black bear, polar bear, pink tiger, Bengal tiger, white tiger, Brown leopard and even green camouflage dinosaur.